The Gospels are foundational to our faith. The book of Mark was written by John Mark and is believed to actually be from Peter. Mark portrays Jesus as constantly on the move and keeps us continually looking ahead toward the cross and the resurrection.  Mark portrays Jesus as God’s Servant, always working towards the bigger purpose. The challenge is to break out of our patterns of self-absorption and give ourselves in service and love to others.

May 2018

How Many Loaves Do You Have?

Scripture: Mark 8:1-10


Doing All Things Well

Scripture: Mark 7:31–37


April 2018

The Faith of Dogs

Scripture: 7:24-30


Amazing Grace

Scripture: Mark 15:42-16:8


March 2018

Who Is This Man?

Scripture: 11:1-11


November 2017

Truly Clean

Scripture: Mark 7:1-23


Stormy Life

Scripture: Mark 6:45-53


Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Scripture: Mark 6:30-44

Death of Conscience

Scripture: Mark 6:14-29

October 2017


Scripture: Mark 6:1-13


Be Healed

Scripture: mark 5:21-43


Be Transformed

Scripture: Mark 5:1-20


September 2017

Be Calm – Mark 4:35-41

“Be Calm” from Foundations by Pastor Chris Starn. Released: 2017.

The Unseen & The Small

Scripture: Mark 4:26-34