The Gospels are foundational to our faith. The book of Mark was written by John Mark and is believed to actually be from Peter. Mark portrays Jesus as constantly on the move and keeps us continually looking ahead toward the cross and the resurrection.  Mark portrays Jesus as God’s Servant, always working towards the bigger purpose. The challenge is to break out of our patterns of self-absorption and give ourselves in service and love to others.

September 2017

The Hidden Revealed

Scripture: mark 4:21-25


Soil Testing

Scripture: Mark 4:1-20

August 2017

Christ’s Kinsmen

Scripture: Mark 3:31-35


A Third Opinion

Scripture: Mark 3:20-30

Are You All In

Scripture: Mark 3:7-19


The New Wine of Christ

Scripture: Mark 2:18-3:6 

July 2017

Jesus Friend of Sinners

Scripture: Mark 2:13-17

Back Home Again

Scripture: Mark 2:1-12

The Power of Touch – Mark 1:40-45

A Heart of a Healer

Scripture: Mark 1:29-39


By Authority

Scripture: Mark 1:21-28

June 2017

The Beginning

Scripture: Mark 1:14-20


Temptations Defeat

Scripture: Mark 1: 13-14

Can I Get A Witness?

Scripture: Mark 1:1-11