Our purpose as a church is to lead people to love God, love family (love each other), and make disciples.

Loving God
When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He quoted Deuteronomy 6:4-5. We believe that being a follower of Christ means loving God with all of our heart, our soul, and our might. Loving God is not about religion, but it is about a relationship. We build and grow in our relationship with God through worshipping God in spirit and in truth for who He is (John 4:24); praying as individual disciples and as we gather as the Body of Christ; spending time in the Word of God through reading, reflection, and sharing the Gospel; caring for orphans and widows (James 1:27); helping the poor and those who are hurting; and by the sharing sermons based upon the truth of scripture. The goal is to make it all about Jesus every moment of our lives.
Loving Family
When God created us, He created us to live within an Oikos. Oikos is Greek for family. Your Oikos are the people you interact with and those who God has placed in your realm of influence to be conduits between them and Christ. This includes your family, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, and even those people you meet as you are living your life. We are to love them all just as Jesus would love them. In Deuteronomy 6:6-9 we are instructed to “impress” the command to love God on our children, and make it part of our daily lives. The church, the universal body of believers, is called the family of God. When we receive God’s Spirit at salvation we are adopted into his family. Jesus reinforced this idea in Matthew 12:46-50 when he said those that those who do the will of God are His mother, sister, and brother. We are all part of the family whether we are married, married with children, single with children, or just single, and it is the mission of Living Faith Missionary Church to help members of our Oikos experience and grow in Christ.

Making Disciples
Before Jesus returned to the Father, he “commissioned” us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) The method for making disciples is by first going, and baptizing, and teaching believers to obey everything Jesus has commanded. This is accomplished through evangelism and discipleship. Evangelism can take many forms, but it always begins with prayer. Evangelism may also include finding a person of peace (Luke 10:6), performing acts of kindness, and being friends with people who do not know Jesus. We believe in making disCIples the way Jesus did it, in relationships. It is through relationships that we introduce people to Jesus. Like evangelism, discipleship begins with prayer. Discipleship can also take many forms. Currently for us they include small groups, Sunday school, and/or small discipleship groups. We do not make disciples by our own power. Jesus says that all power has been given to Him, and it is by His power that we can accomplish the work He started. We can also be assured by the promise that Jesus will always be with us.