Embark on a timeless Christmas tradition as families queue in malls, children sit on the lap of a red-suited man, and wishes are shared for a photograph. Yet, beyond the holiday cheer lies a profound exploration of prophecy. Centuries before Jesus, Old Testament prophets predicted a Messiah’s arrival in over 300 prophecies detailing lineage, birth, life, and death. Dr. Peter Stoner’s statistical analysis underscores the staggering improbability of Jesus fulfilling just eight of these prophecies. The exploration extends to the Book of Hebrews, unraveling the concept of God incarnate. A meticulous examination of Messiah’s genealogy unveils precision from Adam to David, climaxing in Jesus—the promised Shiloh, the final King of Israel. The journey concludes with the captivating fulfillment of the virgin birth prophecy, connecting Genesis to Isaiah. In celebration of Christmas, this exploration transcends history, revealing God’s sovereignty and His unwavering commitment to His plan. Trust in the One who fulfills prophecies—a Savior born of a virgin, of the line of David—Immanuel, God with us.

The Messiah
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